* “Mongers” tend to avoid offensive terms for prostitutes. Thus, active involvement in both the sex trade and online resources played an important role in indicating status among johns across the forums. I don’t need to know details (if you are worried about LE), only about ones that are half-way reliable.” Asking for assistance from more senior or experienced members in this fashion could increase the likelihood of information sharing. For example, jester from the Atlanta forum posted a question seeking information about escorts: “I was looking for recommendations about agencies from pooners who have used them.
This term was meant as a sign of respect and status and was used to identify those with clout in the forums.
Mongers who were very involved in discussion forums and review boards were often referred to as a pooner. If someone calls you a “pooner,” that means you’ve achieved online prostitution forum street cred. It is simply an interest or pastime that they enjoy. Thus, the terms used to describe the customers of prostitutes reflect the notion that the customers find nothing wrong in paying for sex. Online, johns prefer to refer to themselves as “mongers,” “trollers,” or “hobbyists.” According to the study:įor example, a user in the Inglewood forum described a successful night identifying and soliciting several prostitutes and closed by writing, “I cant wait to monger again like the sadistic one that I am.” Another Inglewood poster wrote, “Saturday morning, 10:30 am, and it was time for this dedicated hobbyist to pursue another adventure.”. * First off: Don’t call them “johns.” On the online forums studied by Blevins and Holt, terms like “john” and “trick” were considered derogatory to prostitution enthusiasts. Here’s what they discovered about the language of johns: Holt, examines the “argot,” or coded language, of the prostitution enthusiast’s “virtual subculture” in order to discern what these communication strategies indicate about the men who engage in-and report on-prostitution. The study, conducted by researchers Kristie R. Now, a study in this month’s Journal of Contemporary Ethnography has attempted to decipher these sex codes for real for real. My pick for the most offensive code-word? “CCL.” That means that your sex worker of choice has got the “Concentration Camp Look.”
The code ranges from straight acronym ( BBBJ is “Bareback Blow Job”) to schoolyard joke ( Ed Zachary Disease is code for “A woman with an unattractive face”). On the Internet, dudes who pay women to have sex with them communicate in an absurd code in the hopes of eluding law enforcement officers (that’s “LEOs” to them). This summer, I discovered the many ridiculous sexual euphemisms employed by johns who frequent online prostitution forums.